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Who We Are

Mid Atlantic Safety Council (MASC) is a 501c3 educational nonprofit organization providing safety orientation training to workers in NC and SC, and through suitcase sessions, to workers across the USA.

Our mission is to improve workplace performance by providing tools and training to increase awareness of potential hazards and safety precautions for the betterment of those in our community.

We're making progress. Take a look at our current regional Safety Metrics Report.

Over 150 contractor companies in our region are members of MASC.

Our council is a member of the Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils (ARSC). We honor Basic Orientation Plus® Training Certification Cards issued by other member councils. Visit the ARSC website for more information.

Over two dozen owner sites - chemical plants, equipment manufacturers, hospitals - and 150 plus contractor companies in NC and SC are members of MASC. Participating sites require contractors working at their sites to attend a general safety orientation before coming to the site. This course, Basic Orientation Plus (BOP) is taught the first time in a classroom setting, with annual refreshers available via computer-based training. All sites also require contractors to complete a companion site-specific orientation focused on the unique work rules and potential hazards of each site.


Oversight of MASC is performed by devoted volunteers who represent our membership. The Board of Directors is comprised of 8 Owner Site representatives and 3 Contractor Company representatives.

MASC Board of Directors

  • President: Matt Jordan - DAK Americas, Safety Senior Manager
  • Vice President: Scott Hatchell - Nucor Steel Berkeley, EHS
  • Secretary: Clint Hearne - Dupont, Contract Manager
  • Treasurer: Scott Hudson - Renfrow Industrial, General Manager
  • LCSC Representative: Scott Wisniewski - DCL, EHS Manager
  • LCSC Representative: Ben Harding - INEOS Cooper River, EHS
  • LCSC Representative: Larry Kowal - Lanxess Chemical Charleston, HSSE Manager
  • LCSC Representative: Judith Leslie - AE Solutions, Senior Principal Specialist
  • TASC Representative: Don Kaserman - KAO Specialties, HS&E
  • WACSC Representative: Jimmy Phillips - Thompson Industrial, NE Region EHS Manager
  • WACSC Representative: Michael Welsh - Corning, Capital Project Safety Manager

MASC Operations Team

  • Greg Cook - Executive Director
  • Steve Sullivan - Chief Operating Officer
  • Kevin Roberts - Chief Technology Officer
  • Donna Davis - Charleston Office Manager
  • Linda Bannerman - Customer Service Associate
  • Savannah Davis - Customer Service Associate
  • Delilah Farahani - Customer Service Associate
  • Joni Butenhoff - Customer Service Associate
  • Gwen Marie Jones - Customer Service Associate


MASC training centers are located in Charleston, SC, High Point NC, and Wilmington NC. All training centers have well appointed classrooms and computer labs to accommodate up to 25 students. Classroom training sessions are taught by experienced in structors, and all computer lab courses are taken in a proctored environment.

Each local operations is guided by a local board of directors, comprised of owner and contractor company representatives. The local boards elect representatives to the regional MASC board, which sets policy and provides management oversight.

Training Reciprocity

The Basic Orientation Plus® (BOP) training, either classroom or computer-based refresher, is reciprocal. That means that all of the 24-plus MASC participating sites accept the BOP training. Attendees go through one high quality orientation that meets the needs of numerous sites, instead of wasting time sitting through redundant sessions each time they go someplace new to work.

Even better, for contractors working across the USA, the BOP training is reciprocal at any ARSC affiliated site. The basic orientation training is reciprocal in our region and across the entire country.

Follow MASC on LinkedIn.

All MASC courses and classes are available at every MASC training center. Click the address of the training center nearest you for a map.

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